Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Smiles bring Happiness!

Hello Loves!
Long time no talk! Like I've sad before my life has been so busy! I have only been dressing in sweatshirts and sweatpants because the weather has been less then lovely...
I have decided to put up some inspiring pictures and words for today since I don't have an outfit of the day. I'm still trying to find my style too! Funny I know..but I need like 1 or 2 styles! Like boho and indies, girly and preppy! I'm think boho and indies though! I think it would look good on me haha! what do you think?! ((All of these pictures came off of peoples Tumblrs too! But I forgot the names of the tumblrs sorry loves!)



  1. What a sweet and positive post.
    I love those pictures!

  2. Hi I'm from Norway and I follow your blog and found your videos on youtube They are great! One thing I wonder about the camera Nikon D3100 is good, if you know please answer as soon as possible! :) xoxo me!

  3. @Anonymous YES!! the Nikon D3100 camera is soo worth it!!! it's kind of like the beginners photographer camera but still amazing!! I love it!

  4. Great! Then i shuold by it (:

  5. And one more thing, how is the camera when the films, is it good (:

    @molto are you talking to me :)?

  6. @anonymous it takes really good video too! but i don't know if it has an auto focus like it adjusts to the object type of thing lol!


Thank you for commenting!

Elizabeth Hope